Data Archiving

Helps to free up space in DB, which will improve system performance and reduce IT’s carbon footprint! Pre-requisites Determine data retention period to handle audits (Finance team)Determine data retention period for transactional analysis(Analytics team)Determine archived files retention period and also back up (IT team) TCODEs DB02 – Database size analysis – Largest table, indexes.DBACOCKPITDB15 Tables […]

Electronic Data Interchange

IDoc Type EDI Table EDI Transaction InboundORDERS01 (sales order and inquiry)ORDERS02 (sales order and inquiry)ORDERS03 (sales order, delivery and inquiry)ORDERS04 (sales order, delivery and inquiry)ORDERS05 (sales order and inquiry)DELFOR01 (delivery schedule) OutboundORDERS01 (quotation and sales order confirmation)ORDERS02 (quotation and sales order confirmationORDERS03 (quotation and sales order confirmation)ORDERS04 (quotation and sales order confirmation)ORDERS05 (quotation and sales […]