8. Post Processing Framework (PPF)

Scenario                          Create Warehouse Task after Goods Receipt is Completed during Inbound Delivery 
PPF can be used to Print document after completion of an event.
PPF can be used to trigger workflow that requires document approval.
PPF can be used to trigger Messages to interfaces that requires SAP data(Example, SAP Cloud Integration scenarios).
PPF can be used to trigger Follow up Documents to automate process in SAP(Our example).
Step 1. Define Action Profile and Definition
Application Area   –   /SCDL/DELIVERY 
Define Action Profile – /SCWM/PDI_01 – Inbound Delivery 
Action Definition – /SCWM/PDI_01_WT_CREATE – Create Warehouse Task for Putaway
Processing Type – Method Call – /SCWM/TO_CREATE 
Step 2. Assign Action Profile to Inbound Delivery 
Pre-reqStep 1
IMGSCM EWM-Goods Receipt Process-Inbound Delivery-Define Document Types for Inbound Delivery Process 
Step 3. Determine Procedure (Condition Technique)  
FLOW Condition Table->Access Sequence->Condition Type->Procedure 
IMG SCM EWM-Cross-Process Settings-Delivery – Warehouse Request-Actions-Maintain Determination Procedure
 Condition Table (SAPDLV04)
Access Sequence (0D04) 
Condition Type (0DMW Create Whse Task) 
Maintain Procedure (0DMWT) Determine Procedure  
Step 4.Assign Action Definition to Determination Procedure  Warehouse Number Doc Cat Doc Type 
IMG SCM EWM-Cross-Process Settings-Delivery –Warehouse Requests-Actions-Configure Action Scheduling-Assign Determination Procedure
Step 5.Create Condition Maintenance Group  
IMG SCM EWM-Cross-Process Settings-Delivery –Warehouse Requests-Actions-Configure Action Scheduling-Create Condition Maintenance Group  
 Maintain Application,  Usage Conditio Table Condition Type 
Step 6.Create Condition Record                                                                      
 Action Definition
Doc Type
GM Status(NFSI – Not Started -> Completed)
Wharehouse Number 
Test Scenario Generate Warehouse Task automatically when GR is Completed for Inbound Delivery
Created PO 4500100417
Crated Inbound Delivery 180001057
INB 180001057 replicated to EWM  
 /SCWM/PRDIPerform GR to trigger Action 
/SCWM/MON Warehouse Task will generate automatically